Consumer Engagement

This research program is an excellent example of consumer involvement from the initial conceptual stage to the development and submission of the research concept. It has been developed in conjunction with, and endorsed by the Consumer Advisory Committee at the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC). Involving consumers is a very important aspect of translational research. Patients and carers who are impacted by the research bring insights which can significantly contribute to the success of the research.

The consultation process identified a knowledge gap concerning decision making from a patient perspective around treatment de-escalation. It was important to gain the patient’s perspective on what is the minimal accuracy/reliability of a test needed to be acceptable to a majority of men. What was being sought was what would make patients comfortably accept non-intervention/non-observation when diagnosed with disease and its recommend treatment. It is intended that this research will address this question in a specific qualitative research program.

A comprehensive consumer strategy has been incorporated as part of this research program to ensure that consumers will be fully engaged with all the phases of the research.

The following are two short videos on the role of Consumer Engagement in this project: